The Critical Incident Stress Management Program exists to provide comprehensive mental health support services that are designed to meet the needs of all members of Public Safety and their families. The program consists of three components:
- Crisis Intervention
- Public Safety Peer Support Team (PST)
- City of Fitchburg Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
These components will often intertwine to offer all the services that will best support members or family members.
Critical incidents are unusually challenging events that have the potential to create significant human distress that can overwhelm usual coping mechanisms. Fitchburg Fire Department will conduct crisis interventions for members exposed to such events. The following events fit the general criteria for a Critical Incident; however, this list is not all encompassing.
- Line-of-duty deaths (LODD)
- Significant line-of-duty injuries
- Emergency personnel suicide
- Large scale disasters
- Deaths of children
- Significant events in which the victims are relatives or friends of emergency personnel
- Events that attract excessive media attention
- Events that significantly threaten lives of responders
Mental Health Emergencies
At times, the need for psychological/emotional help is immediate. If a mental health emergency is experienced, the following contacts should be considered:
- 9-1-1
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (Available during normal business hours)
- Dane County Crisis Hotline: 608-280-2600
- PFFW Membership Assistance Program (MAP)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255